Focus on electrification and digital services at the Bordnetz specialist congress


The demands on automotive wire harnesses are high: E-mobility, autonomous driving and increasing networking require new development and production processes, technologies, architectures and materials. The Komax Stories team wanted to find out what the automotive wire harness community is currently doing. That’s why we traveled to the 11th specialist congress 'Bordnetze im Automobil' in Ludwigsburg, Germany, and asked Martin Stier, from Business Development at the Komax Group, about the most important findings. 

E-mobility, autonomous driving, increasing networking and the high proportion of manual labor in the production process are constantly presenting new challenges for automotive wire harnesses. Modern vehicles need to be more efficient, lighter and quieter compared to their surroundings, while at the same time offering ever more functions and a greater experience overall. In the areas of drive technology and Digitalization in particular, we are encountering innovations that require new development and production processes, technologies, architectures and materials. Automotive manufacturers (OEMs) must remain flexible in the face of changing requirements. Pioneers in the wire processing industry are responding with the development of innovative solutions in the field of automation and digitalization, thus laying the foundation for new safety requirements, traceability and quality assurance, as well as driving and comfort functions such as driver assistance systems. 

The 'heart of the automobile' was therefore a major focus once again at the 11th specialist congress 'Bordnetze im Automobil': Over 400 managers and experts from the areas of automotive wiring harness development and production – from OEMs to Tier 1 and Tier 2 to Tier 3 – discussed the latest developments in the field of automotive electronics in Ludwigsburg. Among them were the automotive experts from the Komax Group, who, as a market and technology leader in the field of automated wire processing, continuously offers its customers innovative, customer-specific and scalable solutions.  

The Komax Stories team were on site and asked participant Martin Stier from Business Development at the Komax Group, about the current main focuses of the automotive wiring harness community, what challenges the automotive wiring harness of the future will pose for us and about the insights he has gained from the 11th specialist congress 'Bordnetze im Automobil'. 


Martin StierHead of Business Development Schleuniger | Group Market Research...

Martin Stier ist für das Business Development innerhalb der Business Unit Wire Processing verantwortlich. Er besitzt einen Hochschulabschluss in Maschinenbau/Fertigungstechnik und ist seit 2008 für die Schleuniger Gruppe tätig. Zuvor hat er 13 Jahre bei einem Tier-1-Zulieferer in der Automobilindustrie gearbeitet.

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