Share price

Total return calculator

Information per share

Major shareholders

Distribution of shares

The shareholder base increased significantly by 674 persons to 5 994 shareholders in 2023. Over the last five years, however, the shareholder base has remained broadly the same size (–0.5%).

Dividend policy

⁠The Board of Directors pursues a sustainable dividend policy that takes account of the ambitious growth targets of the Komax Group. The implementation of Strategy 2028 requires substantial investment, such as in acquisitions, for example. In order to drive forward this investment and to take account of the volatile and challenging business environment, the Board of Directors recommended a break from the very high payout ratios of recent years for the time being (2022 financial year: 54.5%).


The analysts mentioned below follow the Komax Group and regularly publish analyses of the company.

Baader Helvea

Christian Obst

Kepler Cheuvreux

Torsten Sauter

Research Partners

Roger Birrer


Patrick Rafaisz


Arben Hasanaj

Zürcher Kantonalbank

Bernd Laux